Saturday, June 10, 2023
JEFFREY MORGAN’S MEDIA BLACKOUT #892JEFFREY MORGAN’S MEDIA BLACKOUT #892.578.211! Styrofoam – A Thousand Words (Nettwerk) :: Just what you always wanted: a lightweight
bloopy blorp Casio-pop album with a perpetual half-life that’ll never decompose. Nash The Slash – Decomposing (Cut-Throat
vinyl) :: A two-sided series (78) of electro-ambient instrumentals (45) which can be played at any (33) turntable speed (16). SIZZLING PLATTER OF THE WEEK –
FELONY COUNT ONE: A Thousand Knives Of Fire – The Last Train to Scornsville (Small Stone) :: Ah gots
tuh be honest with yuh: I ain’t never heerd no Small Stone record that I didn’t like ’cause this here Deetroit
label don’t put nuthin’ out but elpee after elpee of nonstop, purebred, fuzz-infested, primo heavy, thudaholic,
crungefyin’, pudknockin’, hog-straddlin’, pool cue-wieldin’, booze-belchin’, weed-snortin’,
speed-freakin’, hard-humpin’, babe-ballin’ music. In other words: Small Stone is the greatest rock ’n’
roll record company in America and this album is on Small Stone so you just know that it’s got the gooshin’ gonad
goods splattered all over it. Bonus points for dividing their album into two sides. Extra points awarded for having a feelthy
title track that makes bands like Blue Cheer and Kyuss sound like Simon & Gofunkle yo’self. SIZZLING PLATTER OF THE WEEK – FELONY COUNT TWO: Gideon
Smith & The Dixie Damned – South Side Of The Moon (Small Stone) :: It’s obviously a given
that I like this record, but lemme tell ya why the gol-durned South done gone ’n’ rise again. Y’see, unlike
the above-noted disc of the long Knives with its sludge-slammin’ sound, these Dixie rebs play faster ’n’
cleaner behind a growl-gnarlin’ voice that sounds as if it wuz freshly dug up from some Civil War battlefield. Points
deducted for having the bad sense to play too many heavy love ballads (ref: “Daughter Of The Moon”) ’cause
heavy love ballads, no matter how heavy, are still ballads—and ah hates ballads. Points reinstated with for having the
good senses to follow up the heavy love ballads with tracks like the butane-blisterin’ behind-squirtin’ “Black
Cat Road.” Oh, yassss! Be seeing you!
Sat, June 10, 2023 | link