Saturday, December 26, 2020
Koreas - "Altruists" (Unfamiliar) :: The amphetamine gitbox style of Lou Reed + the hyperkinetic
vox style of Pete Townshend = relentless rock 'n' roll. Stamen & Pistils
- Towns (Echelon Productions) :: Secret life plant music so ploddingly impenetrable it makes A Passion Play
sound like Follow The Leader. Korn - Unplugged (Virgin) ::
Strip away the artificial angst and they begin to sound like Jethro Tull. Little Aida
- Mad Country (Second Shimmy) :: Acoustic mellotronian harmoniums. Lighting Dust
- Lightning Dust (Jagjaguwar) :: Armed with a mighty quim quivering voice that's part Grace Slick and part Tiny Tim,
distressed songstress Amber Webber is the unstable female Neil Young. Maps + Atlases
- Tree, Swallow, Houses (Sargent House) :: Frippertronics on a hot tin roof. Nurses
- Hangin' Nothin' But Our Hands Down (Sargent House) :: Amateur hour goes on and on. Worst album of the year, hands
down. John Wort Hannam - Two Bit Suit (Black Hen) :: Competent generic
country that ain't bad but nothin' new neither. Klaxons - Myths Of The Near
Future (Geffen) :: A-OO-GAH music for cokeheads. Make sure you remove the brass tube first before you sit down, Stevie. Autons - Short-Term Manifesto (Zip) :: Rexian gitbox boogie + Roxite synth sonics = relentless
rock 'n' roll. SIZZLING STATEMENT OF THE WEEK: Jon Brooks - Ours And The
Shepherds (Exile) :: I may be a "might makes right" kinda guy, but I sure know quality when I hear it-and this
thoughtfully insightful low key concept album about warfare though the ages has lots of it. And although I don't agree with
everything he says, I know his heart's in the right place. Besides, he's less obfuscating than Dylan and more sincere than
Springsteen. Be seeing you!
Sat, December 26, 2020 | link