Saturday, May 2, 2020
MORGAN’S MEDIA BLACKOUT #729.459.63! Bill Charlap & Sandy Stewart
– Love Is Here To Stay (Blue Note) :: Sparse solo piano and sultry chanteuse singing that'll transform your
dire digs into a smoky nightclub circa 1957. Ashtray and coaster not included. Circa Survive
– Juturna (Equal Vision) :: Swirling spastic spin-dizzy songs that'll haunt your hovel for hours. Gravol and
Imitrex not included. Death From Above 1979 – Romance Bloody Romance:
Remixes And B Sides (Last Gang) :: Nothing like releasing a fast-buck career-stalling remix album that exposes how paper-thin
your abrasive retardo-distorto-techno NIN shtick really is. Originality and... Aw, fergeddit. Man
Man – Six Demon Bag (Ace Fu) :: Remember that drag musical in Escape From New York?
Well, so does this Tom Waits meets Frank Zappa band.
New York Dolls
– Too Little Too Late (Roadrunner) :: Just kidding. I hope. The Perms
– Better Days (Hugtight) :: A power-pop band with a horny horn section and leering lead singers who sound like
Leon Russell and Randy Newman is a great idea whose time has come today. Sonic Syndicate
– Eden Fire (Nettwerk) :: Now here's something new: rock songs based on the book of Revelations. The
Beatles – "Revolution 9" (Apple) :: Something New, geddit? The
Beatles – "Helter Skelter" (Apple) :: They invented screamo, too. SIZZLING
PLATTER OF THE WEEK: The Beatles – The Beatles (Apple) :: This murky mishmash is a sunken
slice of seismic miasma that begins with a Beach Boys parody ("Back In The USSR") and penultimates with the above-noted
nine minute John Cage meets William S. Burroughs tape collage before tucking you in at the end with a sincere children's lullaby
("Good Night"). If you really wanna know why it's called The White Album, next time focus on its latent
spirituality. Be seeing you!
Sat, May 2, 2020 | link