Saturday, September 21, 2019
MORGAN’S MEDIA BLACKOUT #697.420.21! Ray Wylie Hubbard – Delirium
Tremolos (Philo/Rounder) :: If you’re in the market for a new country blues album, give this instant classic by
old mutha Hubbard a shot. Another reason to believe: Faces stalwart Ian “Mac” McLagan works the Hammond B-3 on
several tracks. Neal Schon – i On U (Favored Nations) :: Journey-man
Schon rises above the synth backing tracks to craft an instrumental guitar album that’s part silky David Gilmour and
part psycho Jeff Beck. Too bad he’d rather play with himself than be in a real band, though. Soul
Sirkus – World Play (Soul Sirkus) :: Well whaddya know? Schon upgrades to actual human
beings! If you still proudly listen to old Sammy Hagar albums, then this thud’s for you. Burn
The 8-Track – The Ocean (Abacus) :: These four guys aren’t old enough to remember
vinyl, let alone an 8-track. But they are mature enough to make an album that’s powerful and passionate. Liam
Titcomb – Liam Titcomb (Columbia) :: Canada’s answer to John Mellencamp is a long-haired
pretty boy who writes hand-clappin’ good-time music including a little ditty called “Get Down” that actually
does. SIZZLING PLATTER OF THE WEEK: Vanessa Williams – Everlasting Love
(Lava) :: Need some ’70s make-out music? Then slide in and take this VW for a ride that’s so smooth you could
cut a diamond in the back seat. My favorite track is the Kraftwerkian “Tuning,” which consists of nothing but
Vanessa tuning in different radio stations. Really.
Be seeing you!
Sat, September 21, 2019 | link