Saturday, August 17, 2019
MORGAN’S MEDIA BLACKOUT #692.413.14! Diana Degarmo
– Blue Skies (RCA) :: And you thought Jewel was stacked. Mix Master Mike – Bangzilla (Scratch) :: I knew Steinski. Steinski
was a friend of mine. Beastie Boy, you’re no Steinski.
Gym Class Heroes – The Papercut EP (Fueled By Ramen) :: I bet
Dylan wishes he could write a line like: “She’s the reason for the lesions.” Matt Sharp – Matt Sharp (Boompa)
:: Plaintive music so utterly anguished yet hauntingly beautiful it’s almost too painful to listen to. Strung Out – Exile In Oblivion
(Fat Wreck Chords) :: Lame grunge band called Strung Out begins its record by stealing 20 seconds of Billie Holiday, geddit?
Well, don’t get it.
– It Dreams (Orange) :: Proof positive that anyone with a Mac can ape NIN and record Jamming With Reznor. Simple Plan – Not Getting Any
(Lava) :: Sure they’re not. That’s why there’s a flier stuck inside that shills the songs on their new album
as ring tones at $2.50 a pop. Jem
– Finally Woken (ATO) :: Narcotic and erotic music to read Edward Gorey by. Lesbians On Ecstasy – Lesbians On Ecstasy (Alien8) :: Today on
Maury: Women who love women and the fishy records they make.
Westlife – Allow Us To Be Frank (RCA) :: A pack of real rats could
sing better than these four fops. SIZZLING
PLATTER OF THE WEEK: Vampire Beach Babes – Beach Blanket Bedlam! (Divine Idustries Inc.)
:: By combining the feisty fiesta vocals of the B-52s with the seamy archirony of the Cramps, these fun-loving culture vultures
are the kitschiest thing to hit the surf since Eric Von Zipper hung 10. Be seeing you!
Sat, August 17, 2019 | link