Saturday, August 25, 2018
MEDIA BLACKOUT #640.283! Elvis Presley – Fun With Elvis On Stage (RCA) :: Wherein the record
company that gleefully gave the world Lou Reed’s Metal Machine Music—a quadraphonic two album set consisting
of nothing but over an hour’s worth of relentless shrieking atonal feedback—cheerfully compounds the fracture
by also issuing for your listening pleasure this non-singing, non-dancing, all-talking monophonic two sided album which ain’t
nuthin’ but a haphazard cut-and-paste forty minute audio collage of Elvis goofing around with his screaming audiences
between songs. As far as audio car crashes go, it’s kinda like listening to the Rolling Stones’ Get
Yer Yas Yas Out! if that album contained nothing but the bantam singer’s banal banter. I mean, can you
see any difference between Mick Jagger saying: “Ah think ah bust a button on mah trousers; hope they don’t fawl
down” and Elvis Presley saying: “My belt’s falling off, my suit’s getting too big... You know what
I can’t do? Get my belt tightened up.” Nah, I didn’t think so.
It reminds me of the time back in 1970 when I saw the Jefferson
Airplane and Grace Slick kept asking if anyone in the audience had a safety pin because her red dress kept falling down and
she—but I digress. One thing you do have to give Elvis credit for is that he always appears lucid enough to know where he is
and what he’s doing at all times, as witnessed by the following extraordinary moment when he stops the proceedings to
candidly confess: “I don’t know what happened, folks; I just go nuts sometimes” before rhetorically
asking: “You didn’t know you were coming to see a crazy man, didja?” and then concluding: “They’ll
put me a straight jacket and take me away.” SIZZLING PLATTER OF THE WEEK: Lindsay Buckingham – Seeds
We Sow (Eagle) :: Lindsay sure don’t look none too happy on the album cover where his doleful demeanor is made
manifest by the tense white-knuckle stranglehold death grip he has on his guitar. And while that may sound like a recipe for
unbridled musical melancholia, the good news is that this is the most enjoyable and eccentrically ingenious melancholy album
you’ll hear this side of Unca Lou’s Berlin or Unca Neil’s Tonight’s The Night or
Unca John’s Fear. Bonus points for daring to transform the Stones’ saccharine “She Smiled Sweetly”
into a deeper and far more dangerous realm of heartfelt desperation. Mmm-mmm-good! Be seeing you!
Sat, August 25, 2018 | link